In the United States, pet overpopulation results in the killing of millions of adoptable dogs and cats every year. Founded in 1999 to raise funds to design and build the current Aspen Animal Shelter, Friends of the Aspen Animal Shelter has since dedicated its efforts to combating pet overpopulation and the consequences thereof. Our aggressive spay/neuter/rescue program sterilizes more than 2,000 pets annually and provides sanctuary, medical care, and placement for hundreds of animals in need each year. Working in conjunction with more than 25 veterinary hospitals across the country, Friends of the Aspen Animal Shelter is based out of the Aspen Animal Shelter in Aspen, Colorado. From the Roaring Fork Valley to the Navajo Nation, from the East coast to the West coast, Friends of the Aspen Animal Shelter is helping people and pets in our area and beyond and is proud to say that we are Spaying it Forward 🙂
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